Saturday, March 2, 2024


Imagine a bunch of premies, in a hospital, asleep in their bassinets. The hospital has assured the parents that these children are watched and monitored, and they are securely locked in the nursery. Yet, that was not so. There is no guard, no monitoring, and the door is left unlocked. A mentally unstable patient comes in the room, removes five of them, and drops them on the floor, killing them.What should happen to those responsible for the children? I think we can all agree that they should lose their jobs, face penalties, and possibly go to jail...

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Leper

In today’s first reading we hear about the Mosaic laws concerning Leprosy. Leprosy, or Hanson’s disease, as it is called today, was serious business in the ancient world. There was no cure, and so the person with leprosy would spend the few years they had left gradually watching their body deteriorate, and pieces of themselves dying and coming off. Skin, fingers, toes, hands, feet, until they were left a helpless wreck, in constant pain, having to live alone until they were too weak to live.Leprosy is a perfect analogy for sin. Without a “cure”...

Saturday, August 26, 2023

GOP Primary - what they all got wrong

There's an old story about AT&T (or at least as I heard it), that if they bought Kentucky Fried Chicken they would rebrand it as "Hot Dead Birds." I disagree - I think they would have rebranded it as "Meal 5520." Either way, you get the idea.Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, Republicans have treated abortion as a "losing" topic....

Monday, July 4, 2022

Gun Control is a Sin (Part II)

In Part I I laid out a brief definition of Justice, and spoke of the two false assumptions used to justify gun controls. I left off with:And so, even if gun control worked so well that it magically removed all the guns, it would be an injustice against the innocent, and against the physically weaker, or poorer members of society. The strong would prey...

Gun Control is a Sin

This is part I of a longer discussion.Over the course of the last few weeks I've received several notices from the USCCB urging me to support the Democrats' gun control bill. Considering that gun control is a matter of prudential judgement (meaning Catholics in good standing can come to vastly different conclusions), rather than a matter like abortion,...

Thursday, October 28, 2021

What is the Unpardonable Sin?

By AlexanderRahm - Own work, CC BY 3.0There are a few passages of scripture that I cannot fathom. That's OK, in most cases, as I don't feel that I am capable of understanding everything about God. But there are several in this category I would really like to understand, because they may be relevant to my salvation or that of others.Matthew 12:31-32...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Don't. Stop Believing

Every mass, and indeed every time we pray the rosary we recite the Creed. The word comes from Credo, Latin for "I believe" since Catholics have no imagination and name prayers and documents after the first words (e.g. the "Our Father" or "Glory Be"). The text of the prayer is as follows:I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,...

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