Here's a joke I heard from Mike Rowe (of Dirty Jobs' fame) on Facebook. It gave me a chuckle, and is quite appropriate for Lent, when we should all be going to Confession (hint hint...
So, recently Mike has been thinking about the second amendment. No surprise, but it's not doing any better than the first amendment. Here's and article about Maryland confiscating guns from criminals who have registered firearms.
Sounds like a great idea, right? I agree 100% with you that criminals should not have guns. But if you do the math and...
If you follow this blog you know every Monday I post a Monday Joke. Not this week, there's too much going on in new Jersey for me to laugh. Last week bill A2006 was introduced, and today there will be a hearing on it, and bill A2777 will be introduced. [Update: due to the weather the hearing is postponed.]
A2006 is supposedly a limitation on "high...
From religion comes a man's purpose; from science, his power to achieve it. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. They are: in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped. - Sir William Bragg (Nobel prize winning physicist)
He is not wise to me who is wise in words only, but he who is wise in deeds. - Pope St. Gregory