Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dark Matter

A dear friend of mine was remarking on how he struggles with some of the darker passages of scripture - God commanding the Israelites to kill women and children. At some point, if you read the Bible, you have to come to grips with these sorts of things. So let's consider a hypothetical situation. Grandma passes away, and in her effects you discover...

Friday, December 18, 2015

Opposite jobs

More from the Opposite Files: If you are not a teacher it doesn't matter what you do in your personal life. If you are not a teacher it matters what you do in your personal lif...

Sunday, December 13, 2015


The other day as I was leaving the clinic, after having prayed the rosary aloud, one of my Protestant friends called out to me "Queen Mother isn't capitalized in the Bible, you know." I asked what he meant, and he indicated that the rosary was wrong (and giving too high an honor to Mary) because it called her the "Queen Mother" and that doesn't...

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