Sunday, January 28, 2018

Evidence Part 4: Cosmology

In the last part we covered the big bang theory, and what it really says, and what it does not say. Before the big bang theory cosmologists believed that the universe was eternal, having no beginning and no end. The big bang theory changed all that. It showed that the universe had a beginning, and it looks like science may never be able to tell us...

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Evidence Part 3: The Big Bang

This is a continuation of a series. Part 2 can be found here. Modern day Science™ considers itself triumphant in the existence of the "Big Bang" theory. Because of this theory science was able to explain away all the nonsense about God creating the earth in six days. Thanks to Science™ we now know that the universe formed itself, and took about...

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Evidence part 2: Scientism

In part 1 of this series I went over a brief introduction and ground rules for my arguments. One of the things which we must get out of the way in order to have a discussion is the notion that science can explain everything, or even that science is the best way to prove something. Rather than get into a lengthy discussion of metaphysics, I will use...

Friday, January 5, 2018

Evidence. Tons of it.

This is the first post in a series of apologetics. I've been contemplating writing one for a long time, but never got off my rear and started. This will not be nearly so long, nor as eloquent as John C. Wright's A Universal Apology, but then again I am not a science fiction author. I recently came across this video, which I suggest watching. In...

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