Thursday, February 25, 2010

Last Fall

Last fall I got involved in 40 Days for Life. This is a group that organizes people all around the world to go to abortion clinics for 40 days and pray for an end to abortion. You register on their web site, sign up for times and days when you are available, and show up to pray. One of my Lenten resolutions was to spend some time each week going to...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Frankly Fed Up

This past weekend our cub scout pack had a sleep over at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA. I have been to the Franklin several times, and each time I've enjoyed it. I always think I should go more often, but the thing that always stops me is driving around Philly. I hate driving in most cities, but Philly always seems to get me lost somehow....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Are you a fan?

Each Lent I think about SQPN, because that was when I discovered it. It all started several years ago. I had decided to pray the rosary daily during Lent, and the only really quiet time I had to pray was in the car during my commute. The only problem is that it trying to drive safely and keeping count of the prayers was as much as my poor brain could...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Good News

Since today is Ash Wednesday I fasted from bear meat, but still enjoyed the continuing good news. How long it will last I don't know, but I'm not one to examine the dentition of free equines. So without further adieu: Forward in Faith Australia, is setting up a working party guided by a Catholic bishop to work out how its followers can "swim the...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Eating the Bear

"Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you." I'm not sure where that saying originated, but I like it. you see, sometimes things seem to go wrong all at once. The news is filled with things that make one think the world is going to hell (or has arrived there). The weight of a million defeats and injustices seem overwhelming. The...

Blacks are an endangered species

A lot of feathers are being ruffled by a billboard in Georgia. The billboard (pictured at right) points to the fact that black women are three times more likely to abort their pregnancy than white women. Some people are nit picking with statements like the fertility rate of black women is higher, which makes up for it, so blacks won't become endangered....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Toyota Gas Pedals and Radiation Death

When I went to college I quickly learned some "tricks". One trick was that if I joined the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) I could use their new UNIX computer in the school's computer lab. That was important, because using UNIX I could do all my assignments without having to wait in line to use a keypunch machine and then wait to get my printout...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Vegetative? I dont think so.

The BBC reports that using a new brain scan technology, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), researchers can detect patients' thoughts in real time. No, they can't tell whether you are a Republican or Democrat (and of course, the research is being carried out in the UK and Belgium so it doesn't matter) but they can detect the difference between...

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