Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Genocide

Please watch the above trailer for Maafa 21. The word Maafa comes from the Swahili word for "great disaster" and refers to the "African Holocaust" or the enslavement and suffering of blacks taken from Africa over the last 500 years. The point of the movie is that the black holocaust continues into the 21st century. Don't believe it? Both Atlanta...

Catholic Intellectual Property Rights

With the recent flap about the Feds seizing domains I've been thinking about intellectual property rights (IPR). As one acquaintance put it "when the Feds make a law that turns 90% of the world into criminals there is something wrong with the law." Now, I doubt that 90% of the population shares files illegally, but I do agree the law in this matter...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hate Speech

We got a rare (for my parish) "moralizing" homily this week, about the atheist billboard in northern NJ calling Christmas a myth. Although the billboard encourages celebrating "reason", the atheists who put it up are ignoring reason. Christ's existence is a historical fact, documented by historians of the time, such as Josephus. Unless the atheists...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Making a list, checking it twice...

If you're coming to town this Christmas (or whenever), you'd better be nice to the TSA, because president Obama's taking names. According to an article in Canada Free Press (of course the American media wouldn't carry this). [italics are from the article, bold emphasis mine] I was contacted by a source within the DHS who is troubled by the terminology...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkeys and Pilgrims and Pie, oh my!

I confess I've never liked Thanksgiving much. My childhood memories are for the most part neutral to very bad, with long drives in traffic and family tragedies thrown in for good measure. As an adult my love for the holiday has not increased. For one thing, it is billed as a celebration of religious freedom, when in fact, the puritans were about the...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Same sex marriage - why not?

I recently heard a story from a friend about a NJ man who was wearing a "wedding" ring on his right hand. When asked why, he said that only when the state recognized his marriage would he feel entitled to wear it on his left hand. Now, in case you don't know, the state of New Jersey accords all of the rights of spouses to same sex partners, just not...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is the Pope a Leftie?

There were two stories about Pope Benedict XVI in the "news" this week that had my more liberal friends crowing over. Hey, the Pope finally got "with it" and admitted that we are right about condoms to fight AIDS and socialize medicine! The bigger story, of course, was Pope approves of condom use. As usual, all the mainstream media attempts to spin...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Unity, Diversity, Charity

OK, most of the Catholic blogosphere is pondering Archbishop Dolan's election (I think h is a good man) or Domini Verbum (which I haven't finished reading yet). So I thought I'd write about...Mark Shea. Disclaimer: I don't agree with many of the things Mark says, and I think he is naive about his world view on some issues. Mark trends to demonize...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Soylent Green

If you're like me you're a fan of classic Sci-Fi (aka SF for the younger generation) movies. Movies like "The Day The Earth Stood Still" and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" have been long time favorites. Both were great movies with horrible remakes. Another classic movie is due to be destroyed in a remake in 2012, "Soylent Green". "Soylent Green"...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

IVF is...

Sometimes I'm slow. A friend sent me a link to a CNN report on military wives supplementing their income by becoming surrogate mothers for couples using IVF. It suddenly struck me. That's prostitution! Think about it. I'll let a stranger have the use of my reproductive organs for money.  What's the difference between that and prostitution? The...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Science Fair

I can add little to what is written in Forbes' article "Saving NASA from the Obama Science Fair." According to the article Obama's legacy will be his rearrangement of NASA's priorities. Says the article: The reason why, unfortunately, is that it may signal the end of the road for one of the greatest technological achievements of modern times, the...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Making 2 of 1

A friend once gave me a copy of a CD by Fr. Richard Rohr, "Making One of Two". For those who don't know, Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest who has a whole bunch of crazy ideas (which is to say, heretical). Many of his ideas seem to me to be tied in to homosexuality being "natural". Anyway, I can sum up the CD's philosophy and you can see for yourself: There...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who Won? Life!

As predicted, there are already stories of voting machine "irregularities" especially in Pennsylvania. Nothing about Internet voting, although it's hard to say there are irregularities when there is nothing you can check to tell if it worked properly. But that's not what I wanted to blog about. Yesterday's election was a big win for Republicans, who...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who won? I dunno

Today is election day in the US. The polls predict a huge swing against the democratic party, for reasons the democrats don't seem to understand. I can tell them what it is, at least according to everyone I know. They have taken their majority as a mandate to push a social agenda, rather than what it was, a dissatisfaction with the previous administration....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Human Extinction!!!

Nothing like an eye catching headline to catch eyes, and um, sell books. Rebecca Costa writes a blurb in the Huffington Post to push her new book, "The Watchman's Rattle." Yawn. Anyway, I perused her list of 12 things we must do Now! to prevent human extinction. Here's my take on her 12 things: We need clean air, potable water, and untainted nutrition Duh!...

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