Saturday, February 26, 2011


Lorigen Engineering from JimTheFilm on Vimeo. This movie looks very interesting to me (H/T Mary Meets Dolly). From the plot: Being steadily crushed under the weight of debt, unemployment, and increasing isolation, Jim reaches a breaking point. Over a game of solitary Russian roulette he contemplates an unspeakable act of violence as a way of leaving his mark. He is stopped short by a vision of his deceased wife who convinces him that he should instead focus his remaining resources into an act of creation. Armed with his wife’s frozen eggs and...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Live Action is OK by me

So I've been reading various blogs about the "Lying for Jesus" question, and have some interesting (ot me) observations. Several people are still uncomfortable with Live Action's actions. Some justify it without stating a principle. I haven't seen anyone come up with a principle that satisfies me that it is OK to hide the Jews but not cheat on taxes. Let...

Making stuff dumber

A friend recommended the Nova series "Making Stuff". According to the series description it is a four part series that explores the materials that "will shape our future." So I stuck it on the old TiVo list and this past week watched the beginning of "Making Stuff Smaller" with my son. It was a torturous reminder of why I stopped watching Nova, and...

Monday, February 21, 2011

On pitching in

My family has always been "pitching-iners" - volunteers at heart. And yet, despite all the things I volunteered for - from soup kitchens to cleaning erasers - I never volunteered for anything at church. Well, almost never - I did volunteer to help the communications committee with their web site (which did not go so well). So about two years ago I...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This should scare you is reporting on the US government creating "fake" social media personae to spread propaganda and spy on private citizens. From the article: The US government is offering private intelligence companies contracts to create software to manage "fake people" on social media sites and create the illusion of consensus on controversial issues. The...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's a spiritual bouquet?

This is something very beautiful and relatively new to me. You all know what a bouquet of flowers is - a pretty arrangement of a bunch of flowers. Well, imagine the same thing, but instead of flowers, it's made up of masses, prayers, and other spiritual devotions. What a great gift! You can join in creating a spiritual bouquet for Pope Benedict XVI...

I don't like Glenn Beck general. Some of his views I agree with, but some are just nutty. I don't watch Glenn Beck. But this is something we all need to watch. If you want to minimize your Beck exposure, skip to 8:00 in and just watch 15 minutes. I'm including the show in its entirety because I think all of it is valuabl...

Friday, February 18, 2011

I love my children

One of the entries in the Manhattan Declaration video contest. Check out the web site for mo...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Watson, come quickly I need you!

I watched the Jeopardy IBM Challenge this week and was quite impressed. For those who missed it, IBM's AI (artificial Intelligence) computer "Watson" played Jeopardy against two of the show's all time winners. Watson is a natural language processing system, which means it "understands" and "uses" English sentences for input and output. I put the terms...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Defend Live Action! or I'll shoot this dog

There have been a number of great posts by a number of great bloggers about whether or not it's OK for Live Action! to lie. The first place I saw this was on the blog site Big Blue Wave, in the post Something that bothers me about LiveAction's sting operations, which says The pro-life blogosphere is a buzz with's latest sting operation...

Pelted by Gravel

St. Stephen, regarded as the first Christian martyr, was stoned to death for his faith. But he was far from the last. Today more than even people are being persecuted for living their faith. And now the "abortion wars" are heating up. One unfortunate victim seems to be LifeSiteNews. If you've never heard of them, you have been missing out on important...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

No one knows

It's been a while since my last post - been too busy with the rest of life. I'm still busy, but I've been musing and wanted to take a minute to write a short post. There is an old joke about a man who is caught poaching on the king's land, that goes something like this. The king sentences him to death, saying "You will be hung at dawn one day this...

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