Monday, April 30, 2012

Glass Houses

From The Gateway Pundit via The Curt Jester: “This contraception fight in particular was illuminating. It was like being in a time machine,” Obama told the crowd, many of whom had purchased tickets that cost $1,000 to attend. “Republicans in Congress were going so far as to say an employer should be able to have a say in the health care decisions...

Drink More Pepsi

You've probably seen this in other blogs but Pepsi has announced that they will not be using aborted fetal tissue in the development of new flavors. Children of God for Life had broken the story a year or so ago about Pepsi's association with Senomyx. They have now announced that their call for a boycott of Pepsi products is over because of this...

Thursday, April 26, 2012


So, churches in Kansas can't refuse to let gays use their buildings (privately owned buildings) for any purpose, even if that purpose is against the moral teachings of the church. However, New York schools can refuse to let Christians use their buildings (paid for by taxpayers, some of whom belong to the very congregations affected) for the purpose...

Saturday, April 14, 2012


"My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine." $5,540 out of $379,035? Really? Now in fairness, maybe the VP has given $100,000 secretly and doesn't report it on his income tax statement. On the other hand, maybe his adherence to Catholic social doctrine is as faithful as his adherence to Catholic moral teachings. Understand I'm...

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Great Divorce

I am really getting frightened for our country, and our kids. I hear our dear leader being called Caesar, and I don't think of Julius, but Nero. Bread and circuses, fiddling, Christian persecution, he seems to have it all. Worse yet, he seems to have done his homework on how to cause a schism in the Church, or at least exploit the latent schism in...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's no joke

Sometimes Pro-lifers can be jerks. Hey, even I have been a jerk (maybe, once). Sometimes in the zeal to be right we want others to be wrong, and we forget that they are people too, and not everything they do is always wrong and evil. And so it is that I can't agree with my fellow pro-lifers in the condemnation of the laughing abortionist. Yes, there...

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