Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Rights" Illogic

From the "opposites" files. ...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Joke

Apologies for missing a week. Consider it even for the Wednesday joke I added last August. A mother was making pancakes for breakfast for her sons, Jack and David. The boys began to argue over who would get the  first pancake....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Defending Benedict

We all love Pope Francis, me included. But the way the media is fawning on him I can't help but think of the events of holy week. The crowds fawned over Jesus on Palm Sunday as He entered Jerusalem. Luke 19:36-38: As he rode along, the people were spreading their cloaks on the road; and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives,...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is the Pope Catholic?

To all the main stream media folks who are either shocked or amazed that the Pope is not going to change Catholic teaching, I offer the title of this blog post. To my Catholic friends who are worried that Pope Francis will not support the traditional Latin mass, I offer the title of this blog post. To my Catholic friends who are relieved that Pope...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who wants to be a Pope?

I was having a discussion with a friend the other day and naturally the subject turned to what happens when the Pope is elected. I explained that the new Pope is asked if he accepts, and then asked what name he will take, and then goes to the "Room of Tears." Mt friend asked me why it is called the "Room of Tears" - why would anybody cry over winning?...

A secular god

When my wife and I got engaged, we went to our parish to arrange for the wedding. One of the things we had to do was to sit down with the music minister and choose the music for our wedding. Now, my wife and I know little about music, and nothing at all about liturgical music, so we figured go with the standards. "Here Comes the Bride" may be hokey,...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Joke

A man goes for a job interview at a large company. The interviewer asks him all sorts of questions about his education and experience, and all is going well. Finally the interview is over, and as a wrap up question the interviewer asks the man "What would you say is your main weakness?""Well" says the man "I guess I'd have to say 'honesty'"."You...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cum Clāve says: con·clave [kon-kleyv] noun 1.  a private or secret meeting. 2.  an assembly or gathering, especially one that has special authority, power, or influence: a conclave of political leaders. 3.  the assembly or meeting of the cardinals for the election of a pope. 4.  the body of cardinals; the College of Cardinals....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Upside down

Today I read about a NYT poll on Catholics' Views on Pope Benedict XVI and the Church. There is an accompanying article U.S. Catholics in Poll See a Church Out of Touch. Some bloggers see this as something bad (because Catholics are against Church teaching) others see it as "good" (that the Church isn't bending to conform to society). I see encouraging...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Good News

Well, as usual life's so busy I have been neglecting my blog. And what a momentous time in history we're living in! From superstorms to Papal renunciations, there's been a lot to think about, but little time to record it. It's important in these times of unrest to remember to trust in God. There's always a lot of good going on even if the news seems...

Monday Joke

Little Johnny comes home from school one day and his mom asks him "What did you learn today?" Johnny replies "We learned how to make babies!...

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