Thursday, May 30, 2013

Real Men...

...aren't afraid of a little water... President Shielded From Rain by Marines Pope Francis addresses the faithful bare-headed in torrential rain [Update: A friend notes that Catholic Memes has something similar. I kind of like theirs better, because they show that not only does the president have an umbrella, but everyone else is sitting...

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Memorial

No jokes today. Instead, come on out and watch a parade! Below is a touching video of one soldier's homecoming. Let's remember those who have sacrificed to ensure our freedom, who didn't get to have a homecoming...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Wither now?

In the wake of the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow openly homosexual boys but not adults, I'm bracing myself for the inevitable questions I will face over the next days and weeks. "What does this mean?" For those who want to present this as the scouts "ending discrimination", the previous policy was not discriminatory. It does not...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Say your prayers! the words of the beloved Yosemite Sam. Today... Our brothers at Hobby Lobby are having another day in court, attempting to be free form coercion by the Obama administration to pay for abortion. The Boy Scouts of American are having a vote on whether to affirm homosexual acts as moral behavior. Thousands of our brothers and sisters in Oklahoma...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Statement of dis-belief

It's opposite day once again! Not OK to require employees to believe what they are hired to do. OK to require employees to believe what you want them t...

Monday Joke

This one comes to me courtesy of Mother Angelica. I've recently been listening to her on EWTN, and she is a hoot! A man passed away and at his funeral, friend after friend gave heartfelt glowing eulogies. After one particularly effusive one, his widow turned to her son and said "run up there and check if it's your fathe...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dam eagles

Fined $10,500,000 for killing golden eagles. Fine for wind farms to kill golden eagle...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Freedom of worship

Some people have been upset by our president's redefinition of the First Amendment as meaning "freedom of worship." Why does it matter? Because "freedom of worship" means as long as I let you pray in your own home or church, or temple or synagogue, I can do anything to you. Freedom of worship means I can trample over your beliefs in the public square,...


It's a good (or bad, if you think about it) week for opposites: Can't proceed with lawsuit because law doesn't take effect until August. Can proceed with lawsuit even though law doesn't take effect until Augus...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Suicide is not painless

More from the opposites files... Must limit second amendment rights to fight suicide. Must legislate to support the right to suicid...

Now it's over

Just read this here: Philadelphia, Pa., May 14, 2013 / 03:41 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Following his conviction for the murder of three babies born alive, abortionist Kermit Gosnell was sentenced Tuesday to two life sentences without parole for two of those murder charges. By agreeing not to appeal his conviction, Gosnell was able to avoid the death...

Monday, May 13, 2013

It's not over yet

Hopefully by now you have heard the news about Kermit Gosnell. He has been found guilty of first degree murder of three newborn infants, and third degree manslaughter in the death of a mother, and guilty on racketeering charges and over 200 counts of violating Pennsylvania abortion laws. I know many of you have, like me, been hoping that Gosnell...

Monday Joke

In honor of Mother's Day yesterday I offer this joke. A painter was working on the ceiling of a church when he noticed an elderly woman come in, sit down nearby, and begin to pray. Seeing that the woman didn't notice him up on the scaffolding, the painter decided to have a little fun. "This is Jesus," he called down to her. There was no response....

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The victims

After the 9-11 attacks we heard at memorial ceremonies, the names of the victims read aloud. Likewise after the Newtown shootings. So please take a minute, one short minute, as we await the jury's verdict, and read aloud with me these names of the 45 children murdered at the "house of horrors" abortuary of Kermit Gosnell. At right is a picture of...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

12 angry men?

A while ago I watched the movie 12 Angry Men, which I hadn't seen since high school (when we had to watch it). It got better with age (either that or I matured, and we know that couldn't happen). If you haven't seen it, give it a try. Henry Fonda was wonderful in it. Without spoilers, the movie covers the jury deliberation in a murder trial. We don't...

Monday, May 6, 2013

It's not anti-religious, it's just stupid

There are a few things that irk me. One is triumphalism. Stories about how the Catholic Church is dead, or about how Planned Parenthood is dead strike me as prideful. Then there are the excessively pious posts (like the prayer of the Pharisee in Luke 18 "O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity"). Then there are the stories that are...

Monday Joke

OK, not actually a joke, but these cartoons were funny enough I had to share... It's tough to be Medu...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

God bless Planned Parenthood

I've been reading story after story about Obama's invoking God's blessing upon Planned Parenthood. Most of the authors seem very angry that Obama could be so audacious, or the hypocrisy involved. Until last night I was thinking along the same lines. Then last night I was chatting with a friend who reminded me that God cannot go against His nature....

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Judgement day

So today at the abortion clinic a woman pulled her car over to tell us we were bad people. Our crimes were judging people, wasting time instead of getting a job, judging people, not doing something useful like stopping war or poverty and not caring about women. I explained that we are not judging people, I have a job, we are not judging people, and...

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