Wednesday, June 30, 2010

97 Years Later

The battle of Gettysburg is the battle with the largest number of casualties in the Civil war, and is considered its turning point. For three days General Meade and General Lee lead their armies on a series of engagements which resulted in 50,000 dead, wounded or missing. Even those who never heard of Pickett's Charge, Culp's Hill, or the Devil's Den...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Precious Blood

Once again a group of us on plurk decided to blog on the same topic. Since this Sunday is the first Sunday in July, and the first Sunday in July is the feast of the Precious Blood, naturally the topic is the Precious Blood. The others who blogged on this topic include Pennyante's "Our Blood is Precious", Snupnjake's "Reflections on the Precious Blood",...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Think think think

...and the first person he though of was... Winnie the Pooh? No, General McCrystal. Does anyone but me think that this is all too convenient (for someone). I'm not sure if he ruffled Obama to get reassigned or if Obama decided to become ruffled to pick a new general, or both, but it's fishy. In other news, a South African doctor invents a condom...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apologetics 101

I'm sure you heard the McChrystal brew-ha-ha by now. I read the article in Rolling Stones and I have to say I don't get it. I can't believe Obama would be offended by McChrystal saying he "thought Obama looked 'uncomfortable and intimidated'" and that he "he didn't seem very engaged", to the point of saying "all options are on the table" despite McChrystal's...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Not with a bang...

Are you scared yet? As our American rights are slowly eroded away...I find myself (oddly) on the side of Justice Sotomayor. Yahoo! news reports "High court upholds anti-terror law prized by Obama": WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court upheld the government's authority Monday to ban aid to designated terrorist groups, even when that support is intended...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

What Dad's Can't Do

I'm shamelessly taking the idea of posting this video from Mommy Life. I guess writing our own Father's Day blog post is something else we can't do. :-D Happy Father's D...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How not to win

Once upon a time, there were three congressional candidates; a republican, a democrat, and an independent. It was an election year and the three candidates all wanted to win. One day they went out into the wood, campaigning door to door. Along came a voter named Vince. Vince was a good man. Vince took a look at the candidates' platforms. Vince thought...

He doesn't like it...

...when you make Him look foolish. From Yahoo! news: MONROE, Ohio – A six-story-tall statue of Jesus Christ with his arms raised along a highway was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm Monday night and burned to the ground, police said... The lightning strike set the statue ablaze around 11:15 p.m., Monroe police dispatchers said. The sculpture,...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hello Goodbye

I have a bad reputation around the office. I go through office mates like some people go through tissues. Don't get me wrong. I don't do anything to try to make them go. In fact, I have enjoyed the company of each of them. Nor do they get fed up with me or anything, they just tend to get laid off, or resign, or leave the company for some other reason....

Friday, June 4, 2010

If I were Cary Grant

I happen to like "classic" movies. Not classic like Wall-E, but actually classic - movies that have stood the test of time for decades. Therefore, both my TiVo and Netflix queue are packed with the likes of Cary Grant, Barbara Stanwyck, Jimmy Stewart, Katherine Hepburn, Humphry Bogart, etc. Tonight DW and I watched (part of) "In Name Only". [SPOILER...

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