Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Cares?

I gave an Easter greeting to a non-Christian friend, who replied along the lines of "the resurrection is good for those how believe in it." The statement (not just by implication but confirmed by the speaker) is that the Resurrection is irrelevant unless you believe. And yet, that's not true. The Resurrection is the reason to believe in the first...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Church of the Holy Family

As you may or may not know, I was in Minnesota last week, for my wife's Grandmother's funeral. We had visited her in January, and had a wonderful last visit with her, and so while this was a sad event, our memories of our last time with her and the fact that she was a deeply faithful Catholic made the funeral a celebration of life. I have a friend...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Loaves and fishes

A friend remarked to me the other day, regarding the miracle of the loaves and fishes, that she believes that what really happened was that when the people saw how some had food and some did not they shared the food they had brought, and that's how five loaves and two fishes "served" five thousand with twelve bushels of leftovers. The "miracle" was...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mark's Gospel Live!

On Friday our church hosted a performance of Marks' Gospel Live! by Rev. Joseph Morris. From the site: Mark's Gospel LIVE is a solo performance, and has enjoyed over 200 performances throughout the US, UK, and Canada. All of St. Mark's characters are portrayed as the story is narrated right from the Biblical text. There are no other actors. It is not...

Friday, April 15, 2011

The parable of the chores

It was put to me that Christians are actually all self centered. The only reason why we do good works is because we want God to give us stuff, ultimately in heaven. Heaven and hell are constructs to make us think we're going to get something, and since we are selfish and want goodies and don't want to be punished we do it. I think the claim says...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I've Been tagged

I’ve been tagged with a Lenten meme by Jeff Young at Catholic Foodie and Lisa at Franciscan Focus. I wonder if I need to tag 10 people, then? The rules: Those tagged will share 5 things they “love” about Jesus / Or why they love Jesus. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their...

Dear Senator Lautenberg

Dear Senator Lautenberg, In your last communication with me you wrote "As you know, I am a strong supporter of reproductive choice." No, senator, you oppose reproductive choice. A choice implies that there is an alternative. You not only voted to pay a million dollars a day to the nation's largest provider of abortions, you went out in the streets...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

PepsiCo responds

...with a canned email that shows they did not read what I sent them. Thank you for contacting us to share your sincere concerns. Please know that we take very seriously the issues you raised. PepsiCo has a strong set of defined values we strive to live up to. Unfortunately, there is some misinformation being circulated related to research techniques...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Catholic butts

To all the "pro-choice" "Catholics" out there (especially in government office - you know who you are) I offer this post. I hear you say "I'm personally opposed to abortion, but..." or "abortion is a tragic thing, but..." and then go on to justify the continuance or even expansion of abortions in this country and the world at large. Why are you opposed...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Healthcare economics and abortion

Over the weekend I was listening to the Catholic Laboratory podcast. If you've never heard it, check it out on Facebook or iTunes. The host, Ian Maxfield, is in the middle of a great series of episodes on the science behind John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Great stuff! The episode I was listening to was about IVF, a subject I've blogged about...


Straight from a Michael Chrichton novel, scientists in China are making transgenic human/cow chimeras. What the heck does that mean? A chimera in Greek mythology was a monster composed of parts of different animals. In the modern version, DNA from different species is combined to make a new creature of niether species. In this case, human DNA is inserted...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Harry Reid says

Harry Reid (senate majority leader) says Republicans should give up trying to defund Planned Parenthood. He specifically says he will vote down any budget proposal that cuts their funding even if it shuts down the government of the United States. So, what cause is Harry placing ahead of the welfare of the nation and the Constitution he is sworn to uphold? 97.6 percent of pregnant women going to Planned Parenthood are sold abortions while less than 2.4 percent of pregnant women received non-abortion services including adoption and prenatal car...

Friday, April 1, 2011


Remember my post Soylent Green? Well, I have more information. According to LifeSiteNews, the watchdog group Children of God for Life reports that the aborted fetal tissue is used to test artificial food flavorings used by several large companies. The company using the aborted fetal tissue, Senomyx, is partnered with Kraft, Nestlé and Pepsico. Two...

and the winner is...

BroJer (not pictured at right). However, the actual animal in Paul's attic turned out to be a raccoon, just as he predicted. That'll teach me to second guess him. The poll results are below. Thank you all for voting, and be sure to check out Catholic Preachy (which needs a new post, guys - hint hint) if you haven't already...

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