Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Joke

Always looking for souls to save, a priest goes into a pub in a less reputable part of town and approaches the first man he sees. "Do you want to go to Heaven?" he asks.

The man says, "Indeed I do, Father."

"Then for God's sake," commands the priest, "leave this pub right now."

The man immediately gets up and leave, and the priest turns to the next man, "Do you want to go to Heaven, my son?"

And the man answers, "Yes Father, indeed I want to do that very thing."

"Then get out of this pub right now!" orders the priest.

Father continues this doing this until he comes to the last man. "Do you want to go to Heaven, man?!"

The man looks at his half-full beer, turns, looks at the priest and says, "No, I don't, Father."

"You mean to tell me, young man, that when you die, you don't want to go to Heaven?" asks the priest incredulously.

"Oh, well, when I die, yes Father, I certainly do. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now!"


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