Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween

What can I say about Halloween in a blog post? How about Halloween traditions? Of course, there are the traditional things I have to hear from people around me: "The [evil] Catholics stole Halloween from the [poor downtrodden] pagan feast Samhain." Boo hoo. Get over it. Nobody owns a day, and if a pagan wants to celebrate Samhain on the same day he...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Voter Score Card

The Family Research Council (FRC) is an organization that promotes faith, family and freedom in public policy and public opinion. FRC Action, the legislative action arm of FRC, has published their voter score card for this year. They track the voting record of senators and congress members with respect to legislation on issues dealing with family values....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Marjorie Needs Help

As I was writing my blog post tonight I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. Normally I'd just let it go to voice mail, but for some reason I picked it up. It sounded like it was one of those telemarketing calls, but again, for some reason I stayed on. It was something that was worth blogging about. A couple of years ago I found the Susan...

Monday, October 25, 2010


Think you have a big family? Here's an amazing story about a Vietnamese man who saves babies from abortion by adopting them. He has devoted his entire savings to saving children from abortion. How many has he adopted? Over 80. Yes, that's not a typo. Thirty of them have been taken back by their mothers, and he and his wife are raising the remaining fifty plus children as their own, unless/until their mothers want them back. When he can't save a life, he asks the abortuary for the corpse, which he buries in a private cemetery. His cemetery has...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Hundred Year Plan

I was debating the other evening with a friend about what would happen if abortion were outlawed tomorrow. It was interesting, but the notion of abortion being outlawed tomorrow is a bit far fetched. I don't expect to ever see it happen in my life time. So what do I expect? Why be pro-life in that case? The "holy grail" for many pro-lifers is overturning...

Friday, October 22, 2010

CEASE Procreating

OK, I've been blogging about population control, especially my most recent one on the WHO's (World Health organization) and it's time to tell you some things that they, and the UN FPA (United Nations Population Fund) don't want you to know about. In fact, the current administration, the EU, Planned Parenthood, the global warming climate change disruption...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkins and Jesus

After posting on the pro-life pumpkin contest yesterday, I got the idea to search for other Catholic pumpkins. After all, Halloween is a Catholic holiday (being the eve of a Catholic Holy Day). And carving pumpkins is a totally Catholic thing to do. In fact, if you are not familiar with it, hear now the tale of Jack O' the Lantern. this is my version,...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkins and babies

American Life League is sponsoring the second annual Pro-life pumpkin carving contest! From their site: American Life League is rolling out the second year of its Pro-Life Pumpkin carving contest. Submit photos of your pro-life jack-o'-lantern and enter to win $100 in pro-life gear. "This is such a fun way to introduce kids to the pro-life movement,"...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mummies and cancer

Halloween is coming up, and so today's topic is.... MUMMIES! I found an article today "Cancer is caused by modern man as it was virtually no-nexistent in the ancient world". In typical media fashion the article is sensationalized and the conclusions don't fit the facts. According to the article: Researchers looking at almost a thousand mummies from...

Monday, October 18, 2010

12 More Days

The fall's 40 Days for Life campaign is more than halfway over. This week I met a woman who not only participates in 40 Days, but prays at an abortion mill year 'round, and has been doing so for many years. She is in her eighties, and told me the clinic she's praying at now is number five. She has closed four other clinics! I spent quite a while listening...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jesus' Brother and Benford's Law

Just cruising the interwebs and found the following article at New Scientist: After five years' deliberation, a trial in an Israeli court has still to reach a verdict over the provenance of an ossuary bearing the Aramaic inscription "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus".The proof, or lack of it, is in the patina - the centuries-old crust that...

Lorenzo Who?

If you haven't been in a mine yourself the last few days you must have heard about the rescue of the trapped miners in Chile. In several of the articles I read they spoke of the miners' deep Catholic faith as being the primary reason the miners came out of this situation as well as they did (obviously these stories were not in the main stream media,...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

CEASE Vaccination

Found on Defend Us In Battle and Shoved to Them: UN/WHO and Experiments in Population Control. If this doesn't give you nightmares and/or enrage you you have no heart. First, some background. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by an embryo. It signals the mother's body to make progesterone, which causes the uterus to be lined...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CEASE Pollution

Matt Archbold, over at the National Catholic Register, wrote an article "Anti Baby Science" about a Scientific American article "Will Birth Control Solve Climate Change?". This brings up a topic I've been meaning to blog about for a long time, population control. As I pointed out in "When you're holding a hammer", the solution to all problems is CEASE...

Monday, October 11, 2010

In fourteen hundred and ninety three...

...Columbus sailed the deep blue sea"? If you know who said this, you will win a coveted award! [hint: it could be the topic of a post on home schooling.] Happy Columbus day! I just wanted to take a moment to note that Ian Maxfield over at The Catholic Laboratory is doing a wonderful series of podcasts on the history of European exploration in the...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Light Banter

My post "The end of the EZ Bake Oven" got several bits of feedback on Facebook that I would like to share here. I also would like to elaborate on some of the points made that I didn't in my original post, and correct some points that appear to be in error.  First, the feedback. Paul notes that according to Snopes: TRUE: CFLs contain mercury,...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Global Warming Scam

H/T Adrienne's Corner: No doubt due to my excellent arguments in my blog post "Science, I think not!", Professor Emiritus of physics Hal Lewis of the University of California at Santa Barbara resigned from the American Physical Society, stating (emphasis mine): For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these...

A busy week

I've been too busy to do much blogging, but I wanted to keep you up to date on the progress of the fall 2010 40 Days for Life campaign I've been involved with. Of course, the 40 Days web site has a daily blog that gives summaries of some of the highlights of each day, but with so many places participating they can't list everything. I can speak about...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

In case you missed this

From New Advent: Pope Benedict XVI, a study by Michael Noakes ... and from Rome Reports Chile's trapped miners send a flag to the Po...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Real Climate Research

If you recall my recent post "Science? I think not!" I presented links to data showing how climate was affected by solar radiation way more than any human controlled factors. Well, more evidence is on the way. According to NASA scientists in the article "Getting to the SORCE of Climate Change":...the phenomenal interconnectedness of each aspect of...

Monday, October 4, 2010

A New Hope

If you recall my award winning blog post, "The end of the EZ Bake oven" about the evils of compact Fluorescent (CF) bulbs, things looked pretty beak at the end. However "there is another". In fact there are several others. According to the article quoted in my last post: General Electric Corp., the world’s largest maker of traditional bulbs, said...

The End of the EZ Bake Oven

Congress hath decreed that we must all give up incandescent light bulbs by 2014. That led to the recent closing of the last light bub factory in America. We will now be importing all our incandescent bulbs. Yay us. My first thought was to stock up, so I can keep my EZ Bake over going if the bulb in it fails. Seriously, this is yet another case of...

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