Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Joke

The man had been in a coma for several months. Things did not look promising, but his wife was by his bedside every single day. Week after week she faithfully sat with him. One day he slipped back into consciousness, and motioned for her to come close to him. She pulled the chair close to the bed and leaned her ear close to be able to hear him. "You...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What's it all about

I read this article today on Jeff Bezos donating $2.5 million to promote the redefinition of marriage. While the article is what is expected of a media that excoriates people for thought crimes or lauds them for goodthink, there is one thing I found interesting - the honesty of Jennifer Cast, who emailed Jeff asking for a donation. According to the...

Truly the Prophet

How many of you sat through a homily today about sharing? C'mon, raise you hands. I can't understand why some people consider the "miracle" of the loaves and fishes to be about sharing. As I understand it, those folks claimed that the miracle that Jesus performed was to get everyone to share the food that they had brought with them. There are some...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Joke

A polar bear walks into a bar, and says to the bartender, "I'll have...." and a minute later concludes "...a glass of ice water." The bartender asks "Why the long pause?" The polar bear replies "I guess I was born with the...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Uniform

Dishonoring the uniform? Honoring the unifo...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Joke

An Irishman named (you guessed it) Paddy was down on his luck. With no job prospects in sight he finally took to going door to door in wealthier neighborhoods looking for odd jobs to do. One day he walked up a long sweeping driveway across impeccable gardens to a beautiful large white house. He knocked on the door. "Top O' the marnin' sar" says Paddy....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Searching for Muhammad

You may not be aware, but I am somewhat addicted to podcasts. Podcasts have done for me in the audio milieu what TiVo did for me in video. I can listen to what I want when I want it, and skip through parts I don't want. Add to that Yahoo Pipes, and life gets even better. One of the podcasts I follow is Catholic Answers Live. I don't remember when...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Joke

Several weeks into an ocean crossing, the lookout calls down from the crow's nest "Pirate ship off the starboard bow!" The captain calls for his cabin boy and tells him "Bring me my red shirt. If the pirates board and I am wounded in the fight, the blood won't show and dishearten the crew." A few minutes later, the lookout calls down again "Five...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Due Process and Due Diligence

I know most people are posting stories today about the liberties we enjoy as Americans. But I came across this story today. As you may be aware, our government has decided it has the power to spy on us in this country with aerial drones, to "keep us safe", just as they do in other places. But of course, Constitutional arguments aside, is this even...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Upside Down

Every wonder how your phone knows to rotate the screen? Here's a quick video that I found interesting. Enjoy....

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Joke

In a small town in Ireland one day a stranger, an American, walked into the pub, ordered two beers and sat down alone at a table. He drank one of the beers, then started on the second. He then ordered another two beers, sat, and drank them. This continued day after day, until curiosity got the best of the bartender. "Pardon me for asking" he says,...

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