Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yes we have no mammograms

Yes, I know, another video instead of a post, and you've probably seen it, but on the chance you haven't, you need to before Youtube pulls it. So where do you think our $350,000,000 a year in tax dollars goes (aside from the $105,000,000 that Planned Parenthood kicked back to the campaigns of politicians who support i...

End abortion fast

Remember the TV show Kung Fu? I guess you're not an old fogey like me. It was about a Shaolin monk named Caine as he wanders around using kung fu. At the beginning of every episode they showed him training. The "graduation" consisted of him picking up an iron brazier filled with burning coals with his forearms. The heat branded symbols into his forearms....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Number 5 is pro-life!

The new non-invasive genetic testing for down syndrome and other genetic anomalies are wonderful in that they can be performed with less risk to the child than current tests. However, some are rightfully worried that it will lead to aborting more down syndrome children, and lead to abortion for other "defects." Today a "defect" can be anything the...

Monday, March 28, 2011

My first poll

Paul has an animal in his attic. He has not seen said animal. And so I have created my first poll ever. Please look over on the right sidebar, and vote for what kind of animal you think is up there. Voting ends Friday at noon. The winner(s) will win either the people's love and admiration forever, or have the appropriate animal installed in their own...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fukushima in perspective

Worried about the claims that radiation levels are thousands or even millions of times normal at the Fukushima reactors? Do pray for the people of Japan (and not just those living by the reactors, but all those affected by the disaster), but don't be too alarmist. This XKCD chart shows the numbers in perspective. Click on the chart for a version you...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Do you deserve freedom if you support slavery?

My (and I'm ashamed to admit) senator, Frank Lautenberg this week disappointed me yet again. I already wrote about the stupidity of my other senator, Robert Menendez, and now it's Lautenberg's turn. But this is more than stupid, it's anti-life, anti-woman and anti-American. Watch the video and be outraged. The outrage for me not just because he claims...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Misconceptions about pro-lifers

If you read news stories or blogs outside the pro-life arena, you'll find that there are a lot of misconceptions about what the being pro-life means. I thought I'd set the record straight. Here for your enjoyment and edification are 10 myths about pro-lifers. 1. Pro-lifers believe life begins at conception. No, we do not believe that; we know it...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spoiling the bunch

I wrote several posts about Apple's censoring of the iPhone app for the Manhattan project. Now history is (possibly) repeating itself with the Exodus International app. Exodus International is a non-denominational Christian ministry to offer support and resources for people with same sex attraction who want to live chaste lives. A gay group has started...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Land of the free

Just a quick note - I was struck by the juxtaposition of these two articles. In secularized, post-Christian Europe we have The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Italian public schools can continue to display crucifixes in classrooms, providing a final resolution to a case that had sparked concern about aggressive secularism on the continent. ...In...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

An open letter to my governor

Here is a letter I just wrote to Governor Chris Christie. Please read the letter, follow the links, and consider writing your own letter. The governor can be contacted at Dear Governor Christie, It was with shock that I read this story, which happened here in New Jersey, at St. Barnabas Hospital. A mother was charged...

How's that Lent thing going for you?

Lent is a time of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Lent draws us closer to God and prepares us for the mysteries of Easter. And every year I look forward to Lent - it is one of my favorite times. Some years I have had fantastic spiritual experiences during Lent. Not this year. Instead of being a time for slowing down and reflecting on my life, this...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are nukes safe?

With the threat of nuclear "meltdown" adding to the troubles in Japan, and even more so adding to the worries of the US, I've been thinking about nuclear power. Darwin Catholic has a lot of good links and information on his site today. The question that people seem to be debating (and have been for a long time) is should we use nuclear power in light...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's Catholic Media Promotion Day!

As you may recall on my post for Catholic Media Promotion Day today is the day we are supposed to: On March 15, 2011, everyone with a blog, podcast, or Facebook page should list their favorite 3 blogs, 3 podcasts, 3 other media, 3 random Catholic things online, and their own projects.This presents a problem for me, as it is very hard to narrow the...

Monday, March 14, 2011

You win a few

Two pieces of good news today: Baby Joseph, whom I blogged about earlier is now at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center in St. Louis, Mo. Kudos to Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life for working with authorities and health care providers in Canada and the US to help save this boy from being euthanized. The new hospital is willing to perform...

Happy Pi Day


Sunday, March 13, 2011

The bible tells me so

When my kids were young we had this board book that played a number of songs when you opened it. One of them was Jesus Loves Me. And perhaps it is OK for small children, but I winced whenever it came on. For those unfamiliar, the theme of the song is I know Jesus loves me because the bible tells me so. I can't abide by a faith that makes me abandon...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catholic Media Promotion Day-March 15, 2011

On March 15, 2011, everyone with a blog, podcast, or Facebook page should list their favorite 3 blogs, 3 podcasts, 3 other media, 3 random Catholic things online, and their own projects. Then, post the link to your list here on March 15th. Additionally, to help get the word out, press are asked to write articles and press releases for this day. Lastly,...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Where to give help

I'm sure you have heard of the earthquake near Japan. The Catholic News Service has posted a page on their blog listing where you can donate to help those affected by it. They are Catholic Relief Services, Caritas, and for those in the UK, CAFOD. I don't list these organization merely because they are Catholic. They are already "on the ground" and...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why are people pro-choice (part 3)

This is the third in an ongoing series of posts about the reasoning pro-choicers use to arrive at their point of view. In part 1 and part 2, we covered the back alley abortion argument and the when does life begin argument. Today's reason is: Reason #3: It's my body, my choice. This may actually mean one of two reasons. The first meaning is that...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Suggestions for Lent

If you're like me most years, you waited until Ash Wednesday and then try to think of something to give up. Beer? Chocolate? It should be something that makes you a better, healthier person, right? I have a suggestion for you. Instead of giving up chocolate (again) how about saving someone's life? Last year I joined 40 Days for Life during Lent and...

Good for women and men

According to an article in Smart Money, a method has been successfully trialed in Switzerland to regenerate breasts that have been damaged or removed by breast cancer surgery. Other details are found here. From the Smart Money article: ZUG, Switzerland -(Dow Jones)- A longterm study looking at Cytori Therapeutics Inc's (CYTX) tissue regeneration method--which...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Light bulbs are cool

Here's a cool video on a seemingly simple thing - the filament of an incandescent light bul...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Vegans and Christians and gays

I have a few friends (and relatives) who are vegetarians. A few go as far as ovo-lacto vegetarianism, and even as far as vegan. For those who don't know the difference (I didn't until they told me), a vegetarian avoids meat of some sort, ovo-lacto vegetarians will eat eggs and milk, and vegans strictly avoid animal products or byproducts. Catholics...

Friday, March 4, 2011

You knew it was coming

With all the recent attempts by people to redefine marriage from what it is - a union between a man and a woman to create an environment for their children's benefit - into what they want it to be - namely a way to express a desire for sexual pleasure, you knew it had to happen sooner or later. I just didn't think it would be this soon. The Canadian...

The last shuttle launch

Still short for time, but I wanted to share with you this incredible video of the last launch of the shuttle Discovery(STS-133) filmed from a commercial airline...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Save Baby Joseph

Once again real life prevents me from blogging all the things I want to blog, but this is time sensitive. If you can Save Baby Joseph! If you don't know who Baby Joseph is, you need to read LifeSite Ne...

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